X3-Scripts und Gartenkeramik made in Germany!
by Gazz
(Click here for X3:Terran Conflict)
Align ship with ecliptic
Ammo/Missile Watcher
Attack All Enemies upgrade
Buy Race Ships in Shipyards
Cargo Shield Array
Commercial Agent Trainer
Complex Cleaner / Megafactories (current version)
Complex Cleaner (old v1.08)
Condense Asteroids / Asteroiden Verdichten
Detect objects in a cone
Fix manual jumping
Flare! / Leuchtfackel!
HUD Mod with missile info!
Homebase Memory + Gate Traffic Controller v2
Noselessness + M6 Mod
MARS Fire Control
Numeric Race Ranks
NICE Interface Enhancement
Out-of-combat Regen
Priority Targets - Prioritätsziele
Rename Ships with Expressions (Klyith)
Racial Lasers Mod
Ring of Fire - Stealth Lasertowers
SatelliteDeploy (Bhruic) v2.0
Shut up, Betty.
Software Scrambler Purchasing
Super Tractor
Turret On/Off Hotkey
TRACKER Minefields and SQUASH Catapult
Trading Station Deluxe
LIB: Find Voice ID
LIB: Get Average Sector Size
LIB: Get Bullet Speeds
LIB: Get Object Size
LIB: Get surrounding sectors
LIB: Library for Border - Core Sector - Security Level
LIB: Hotkeys with double click / multiple functions
LIB: Get Ware Notoriety
MOD: Racial Lasers (English / Deutsch)
Rassen-Laser | Download: SPK |
All races now use and produce their own versions of the standard lasers now.
True capital ships can use heavier lasers.
Alle Rassen verwenden und produzieren jetzt eigene Versionen der Standardlaser.
Großschiffe können schwere Versionen aller herkömmlichen Laser verwenden.
English Thread |
Deutsches Topic |
SCR Reunion: MARS Fire Control (English / Deutsch)
MARS Feuerleitcomputer | Download: ZIP |
Improved turret script that actually hits it's targets and prioritizes them by how easy they are to hit.
Komplett neues Feuerleitsystem für die Geschützkanzeln von Dickschiffen.
English Thread |
Deutsches Topic |
SCR: NICE Interface Enhancement | Download: ZIP + SPK |
Save and recall targets. Get full command access to docked and OOS ships... from your cockpit!
Ziele speichern und wieder zurückholen. Voller Befehlszugriff auf angedockte oder OOS Schiffe!
English Thread |
Deutsches Topic |
SCR: Ammo/Missile Watcher | Download: ZIP |
Notifies you before you're running low on consumables.
Meldet sich bevor Munition oder Treibstoff ausgehen.
English Thread |
Deutsches Topic |
SCR: Flare! / Leuchtfackel! | Download: ZIP |
Drops a flare behind your ship so you don't have to fly blind.
Wirft hinter dem Schiff eine Leuchtackel aus so dass man nicht mehr blind fliegen muss.
English Thread |
Deutsches Topic |
SCR: Turret On/Off Hotkey | Download: ZIP + SPK |
A simple on/off switch for all turrets on your ship or the ship you have targeted.
Ein einfacher Ein-/Ausschalter für alle turrets auf dem eigenen Schiff oder dem aktuellen Ziel.
English Thread |
Deutsches Topic |
MOD: Complex Cleaner / Module Complexes (new) (English / Deutsch) | Download: ZIP + SPK |
Easy automatic positioning of factories and hubs.
Can transform any batch of factories into huge, upgradable Module Complexes.
Vereinfachte Ausrichtung von Fabriken und Komplex-Kontrollzentren.
Kann beliebige Mengen und Arten von Fabriken in riesige aufrüstbare Modulkomplexe kombinieren. |
English Thread |
Deutsches Topic |
Script: Complex Cleaner (old v1.08) (English / Deutsch) | Download: ZIP SPK |
Eliminates careful manual placement of factories and moves them away from the hub to lower the possibility of freighter collisions. |
English Thread |
Deutsches Topic |
Mod: Noselessness + M6 stats | Download: ZIP |
Outfits M6 with a little better shields, more turrets and/or more lasers per turret. The additional lasers are often restricted to smaller calibers. They are still NO super ships. Get the Hyperion if you want a cheat ship. =)
English Thread |
Script: Out-of-combat Regen (all) | Download: ZIP |
OOC Regen. Ships docked at carriers or stations recharge their shields faster.
Schiffe, die an Trägern oder Stationen angedockt sind, laden ihre Schilde schneller auf.
Deutsches Topic |
English Thread |
Script: Save early, save often! / Speicher mich! (all) | Download: ZIP |
Regular reminders to save the game.
Speichern nicht vergessen. =)
Deutsches Topic |
English Thread |
Script: Fix manual jumping (all) | Download: ZIP |
Now followers DO jump with you if you used the hotkey to start the jumpdrive!
Eskorten springen nun auch wenn man den "J" Hotkey benutzt.
Deutsches Topic |
English Thread |
Script: HUD Mod with missile info! (English) | Download: ZIP |
Missile specs visible right on the HUD. A Hammerhead will NOT look like a Mosquito any more. =)
Useless weapon pictures replaced with their acronyms,
some junk removed from the HUD, classic radar put in. =)
Works with any language but uses the english acronyms for lasers.
English Thread | |
Script: HUD Mod mit Raketeninfo! (Deutsch) | Download: ZIP |
Raketendaten direkt im Cockpit sichtbar und eine Hammerhead wird NICHT mehr genau wie eine Mosquito aussehen. =)
Nichtssagende Laserbildchen durch farbkodieren Text ersetzt.
Neuer sehr sehr alter Radar.=)
Deutsches Topic | |
Script: HUD Mod - XTM patch (All languages) | Download: ZIP |
For XTM you will need the above mod plus this patch.
English Thread | |
Script: Cargo Shield Array (English / Deutsch) | Download: ZIP SPK |
Additional shield units in your cargo bay can be connected and will add to your total shield power - at a price.
English Thread | Deutsches Topic |
Library: Get Average Sector Size (all)
| Download: ZIP |
Returns the average distance between sector center and a gate in the whole universe. |
Library: Get Bullet Speeds (all)
| Download: ZIP |
Returns used lasers + their bullet speed as a 2D Array. |
English Thread |
Script: Buy Race Ships in Shipyards (any Language) | Download: ZIP |
Descr: Some ships like the Iguana Vanguard are missing from all shipyards of their race in v1.3.
I fix. Run this script once and save the game. That is all. |
English Thread |
Script: TRACKER Minefields and SQUASH Catapult (English / Deutsch)
Script: TRACKER Minenfelder und SQUASH Katapult | Download: ZIP SPK |
SQUASH mines are stupid and ineffective. These TRACKER mines are actually useful and neatly organized into minefields. The SQUASH Catapult is a defensive system for ships. A kind of Flak - except that THESE flak grenades have a 1500m blast radius. They DO hit fast fighters. |
English Thread | Deutsches Topic |
Script: Trading Station Deluxe (English / Deutsch)
Script: Handelsstation Deluxe | Download: ZIP SPK |
Create a trading station with far superior storage (and thus sales) potential or limit it to only buying or selling. |
English Thread | Deutsches Topic |
Script: Commercial Agent Trainer (English / Deutsch)
Script: Handelsvertreter Motivationsschulung | Download: ZIP SPK |
Greatly increases your CAG's motivation for higher learning. |
English Thread | Deutsches Topic |
Script: Software Scrambler Purchasing (any Language)
| Download: ZIP |
Software Signature Scrambler can be bought normally in every pirate station. |
English Thread |
Script: Homebase Memory + Gate Traffic Controller v2 (English / Deutsch)
Script: Homebase Speichern | Download: ZIP SPK |
Your ships remember their homebase even if you entered the ship, improved jumping and detection of "Unknown Objects" being launched at you. |
English Thread | Deutsches Topic |
Script: Ring of Fire - Stealth Lasertowers (English / Deutsch)
Script: Tarn-Geschütztürme - Laserzaun | Download: ZIP SPK |
Deploy pretty rings of lasertowers that hide themselves from (your) view while they are not needed. |
English Thread | Deutsches Topic |
Script: Numeric Race Ranks (English / Deutsch)
Script: Numerische Völkerränge | Download: ZIP SPK |
Add a number to the race rank title so you can see which rank you are without learning the whole list for each race. |
English Thread | Deutsches Topic |
Script: Bhruic's SatelliteDeploy v2.0 (English / Deutsch) | Download: ZIP SPK |
I expanded Bhruic great script to allow automatic placement of even more satellites if 8 would not be enough to see everything important in a sector. |
English Thread | Deutsches Topic |
Script: LIB: Library for Border - Core Sector - Security Level | Download: ZIP |
Library to find out if a certain sector is a border or core sector. |
English Thread |
Script: LIB: Get Object Size | Download: ZIP |
Library to return the object size of
- any in sector object
- any OOS ship or station
- any ship or station waretype code (the ship "ware" in a shipyard) |
English Thread |
Script: LIB: Hotkeys with double click / multiple functions | Download: ZIP |
Library to manage multi purpose hotkeys. |
English Thread |
Script: LIB: Get Ware Notoriety | Download: ZIP |
Returns the notoriety required to buy a ware or simply if ship X is allowed to buy it from race Y or station Y. |
English Thread |
Script: LIB: Find Voice ID | Download: ZIP |
Library to find a sector, object type, or ware speech ID. |
English Thread |
Script: LIB: Get surrounding sectors | Download: ZIP |
Library to get a list of sectors within X jumps of the sector argument. |
English Thread |
Script: Klyith's Rename Ships with Expressions (English) | Download: ZIP |
I was asked for this because all his DL links were dead so here it is in all it's glory!
This is not the original but my version, expanded and haxxored for one-button operation.
English Thread | |